Handmade Christmas Decorations - using up fabric scraps!

Why hello there! How are you doing?

Here’s the next in my series of Christmas crafting blogs. If you read my pom pom decorations blog, you’ll know that I’ve only ever bought tiny potted Christmas trees before…so then I had a minor panic that I wouldn’t have enough decorations when I bought my first normal sized tree. One of my lockdown ideas was sparked when I was clearing out my fabric stash (cough obsession infused hoarding cough) and came across some small Christmas fabric squares that my dad gave me. As lovely as the idea was, the size of fabric wasn’t overly practical….or so I first thought!

I decided to try and turn these into Christmas tree decorations, using nothing more than some leftover wadding, ribbons/hanging thingys and cookie cutters! Here’s the method to my madness…

What you’ll need:

  • Christmas fabric

  • Wadding/cotton wool/something to fill your decs

  • Ribbons/something to hang your decs from

  • Cookie cutters in Christmas related shapes

  • Sharp scissors (obvs)

  • Needle & thread

Step 1 - cutting your fabric

Using the cookie cutters, make paper templates of your designs. I chose stars, hearts and Christmas trees - and cookie cutters aren’t necessary if you’re super talented and can draw your own! Then pin your paper templates to the fabric and cut out. Personally, I like having two sides of the fabric different if you have lots of different fabric patterns.


Use cookie cutters to make your templates

Step 2 - sew 3/4 of the way around

Using blanket stitch, sew 3/4 of the way around the edge of your decoration starting from where you want to place your ribbon to hang your decoration from.

Step 3 - stuff with wadding!

Carefully fill your decoration with wadding, getting into the nooks and crannies.

Step 4 - sew up

Sew the remaining 1/4 of your decoration up, adding in a bit of extra wadding as you go if needed. Make a loop with your ribbon, slot it in the top of your decoration and sew in place.

Step 5 - admire your decoration and hang on your tree!

Simple. Hope you liked this one and here are some of my finished homemade decorations…