How to: Felt Hearts

At Christmas, I love the small decoration touches that help to bring the house to life. I often try and make a few to decorate my own house and some to give away as gifts, and Felt Hearts are no exception.

I came across this idea in Kirstie’s Christmas Craft book - read more about that book here - as a lovely festive decoration and keepsake. The idea could also use use leftover fabric or Christmas fabric if you don’t have any felt.

What you'll need

What you will need:

  • Paper & pencil

  • Scissors

  • Pins

  • Red felt fabric (or other fabric if you want)

  • 50cm of ribbon (c.4mm width)

  • Needle & thread

  • Stuffing

  • Small beads and buttons to decorate



1) Draw a heart shape on your paper (I have a heart shaped cookie cutter that I use) and cut it out. Pin it to the felt and cut out two hearts.

2) Fold the ribbon in half. Fold it down the centre of one of hearts with a loop at the top and the remainder of the ribbon sticking out of the bottom. Place the other heart on top and pin them together.


3) Sew around the edge of the heart about 5mm from the edge using running stitch. Leave 2.5cm unsewn so that the stuffing can be added.


4) Stuff the heart and sew closed.


5) Thread a bead or two through the ribbon and fasten in place with a knot.

6) Sew a contrasting button - or one either side - to finish your felt heart.
