Using fabric remnants - making reusable cotton pads


I’m always looking for new ways to bring fabric to life. If you’ve ever read my Crafty Blogs you will know that I have a mild obsession with fabric. When I say mild, I really mean something that I constantly have to suppress and try and avoid fabric shops at all costs for fear of succumbing to its ever-present draw...

So, recently, I’ve been trying to find ways of creatively using up some of the fabric that I have accumulated, rather than getting rid of it. I love making special items for my Etsy shop, and I strongly believe that we need to try and be more resourceful and less quick to throw away items. How long has it been since you really researched a purchase and then cherished it, rather than mechanically clicking purchase on Amazon?


Rant over, we all do it. Guilty as charged. And I am not a green bean when it comes to leading a sustainable life, but I do recognise that small changes make a massive difference. So I decided to try and make some products that tie into this.

My next project to use up fabric remnants is probably pretty obvious - reusable makeup remover pads. Totally simple, and easy to make.

I won’t insult anyone’s intelligence by doing a step by step make your own makeup remover pad tutorial! All you need is some terry cloth, fabric and a sewing machine. Find yourself a template, cut out your layers and then overlock or zigzag stitch the edge.

What I love most about this, is the ability to use up fabric scraps. Those annoying little bits of fabric where it often feels there is no choice but to throw away can be used! Now to decide whether to do mixed patterned collection or just one pattern...