Craft Book Review: Merchant and Mills Sewing Book

If you’re anything like me, you love a bit of craft inspiration…and you’ll appreciate a good craft book! I always try and keep a lookout for craft books that are full of inspiration, so over the next few blog posts I will share some of my favourites.

The first is probably my number 1 favourite: Merchant and Mills Sewing Book. This is a proper book. As someone that appreciates good print, the quality of the book is impeccable. (For the print nerds amongst us, it’s a hardback on uncoated stock!).

The first part of the book is called “The Foundations”. It details the tools, basic sewing techniques, how to use patterns, understanding different types of cloth, and how to press fabric. These are really useful skills in one comprehensive place, giving you the real foundations you need before you embark on the projects.

One of the best things about this book as well is the layout and design - it’s really easy to follow and is full of great hints and tips. For example, the page below shows the best tools needed before you embark on some of the great sewing creations within the book.


Then when you get into the projects themselves, the instructions are so clear and take you through step by step. The illustrations are beautifully and informally drawn, making it easy to understand and more realistic! When showing you particular sewing techniques, there are photos rather than illustrations.


The spectrum of projects in the book is great, to give a taste:

  • Ironing board cover

  • Tailored shawl

  • Tote bag

  • Button cushion

  • Calico bag

At the start of every project, there is a section called “Materials & Tools You Will Need”, making it really clear what is required upfront, rather than getting part way through and realising you’re unprepared. They always detail how to prepare the fabric and cut accurately.


At the back of the book, there is an envelope with the patterns that you need included, so that you can measure accurately.


Hopefully you’ll be inspired enough to purchase! Here’s the Amazon link, if so, and let me know your comments in the section below :)