Looking back on 2020...

Wowee….what a year! If you had told me this time last year that we would have experienced “lockdowns”, “furloughs”, and ridiculously overused the word “unprecedented” I would not have believed you. What a year it has been - a very sad year for many and I really feel for those who have been alone, lost loved ones, or suffered themselves in 2020.


HOWEVER, let’s not forget that there have been many positives from this year! I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to slow down. To focus on what matters and what my priorities are. I’ve made and been brought closer to some new life-long friends. It’s fair to say that crafting has really got me through this year - without it, I may have gone mad. Everyone has received a lovingly knitted “Corona Christmas Tree Garland” this year, and I think I’ve knitted any possible Christmas tree decoration going!


Have I achieved everything that I planned to? Of course not! I’ve still got SO much that I want to do and lots of plans for 2021 (more to come on that soon). But it’s about being realistic (something that I struggle with) and trying to remain focused on doing a few things really well, rather than lots of smaller things just “ok”.

That said, it’s been the best year ever for my business! I think I’m around(!) 3 years in now….? and lockdown greeted me with lots of wonderful customers looking to support small UK businesses whilst also brightening up the home they are stuck inside with a lovely handmade lampshade! I’ve had an increase in the number of bespoke lampshade orders too, where customers send me through fabric to transform into a lampshade. I also started making my copper lampshades which have been a real success! A massive thank you to my local fabric shop as well, who dropped off fabric to me during lockdown - such amazing community spirit has come from such a difficult time.

A highlight for me has been experimenting with lino printing this year! I’m excited to see where this new dalliance takes me, and I'm in awe of all the amazing lino printers who I follow on Instagram. I have loved mixing this new found love with my lampshade love and creating handprinted lampshades.


It’s been a year of highs and lows, confusion and clarity, and craft and yet more craft….but above all, I can’t explain how much it means whenever I get a buzz on my phone or email telling me that I have a new order. Every. Single. Time. It’s still my dream that one day I can turn my small business into a mini enterprise, so thank you very much for all your support in me trying to make this a reality!

