2019 plans

New Year….new me!  Just kidding.  Same me, just with a bit more of a challenge in me.  I was recently inspired by my sister (www.bathbuntingcompany.co.uk) to write a little New Year blog post. First, because you don’t know what you’re doing unless you write it down (I am a major list-lover) and second, as she says, to hold myself to account.

Hare Lampshade

Hare Lampshade

I’ve been told many a time that I focus too much on the negatives and don’t dwell enough on the positive, but I guess that is all of us!?  2018 was really my foundation year for A Crafty Den; a step in the right direction of what undoubtedly will be a long walk.  And I’ve loved it.  2017 was a bit of a Debbie-downer year for me, and I was determined to focus on the positives in 2018 and that’s exactly what I did. 

I started out with the Lampshade making course with Lolly and Boo, which really kick-started my obsession with making lampshades!  Following a very questionable sewing course – about which I won’t go into details – I discovered the delights of Silversmithing with Alice Goldsack.  Fuelled by these crafty workshops, I then dived head first into Upholstery at the Bristol Upholstery Collective which was nothing short of sensational.  I attended two, 6-week long courses here and have already signed up to another in January!  Better still, I’ve definitely made a life-long friend.



Following a Christmas present making return to Silversmithing with my sister, I also completed a wreath-making workshop in December to jumpstart the festivities.  All in all, a great year.

For me, though, the real success has been my Etsy shop. I still get excited everytime I hear the “ker-ching” notification tone on my phone, signalling that someone has liked one of my products enough to purchase it.  Oh, and setting up my website has been a bit of all right, too!

So, that was 2018…what about this year?  My plan is (like my sister) to dedicate more time to my crafting.  I’ve already got some ideas of how I can build upon my website, undertake more crafty courses and generally make more craft!  I also need to recognise that I need to manage my own expectations(!!)

Handmade Cushions

Even tapping away on my keyboard writing this now, makes me really excited for the year ahead.  If it hadn’t been for that little lampshade course, who knows what would have happened?  Something that I wouldn’t have bought for myself, but gave me the necessary nudge required to get my hiney in gear.

Would love to hear your thoughts below…as always please share!

Huge ACD love x