Embroidery How To: Basic Stitches

In this series of blog posts, I will be exploring a new found love of mine: Embroidery.  My aim is to build up a portfolio of stitch patterns and hopefully inspire you a little along the way!  These blog posts will cover basic stitches, filler stitches (for filling larger areas of your overall pattern), and border stitches too.  

This blog post is all about basic stitches because, let’s face it, we all have to start somewhere!  These are essential basics to have in your stitching arsenal as there will rarely be a project that you embark on that won’t require these.  All you need is a needle and thread, some basic material which is preferably cotton/linen based, and you will be good to go.  I like using an embroidery hoop to help keep my work as taut as possible, and means that you will handle the fabric as little as possible which helps to keep it clean.

So, let’s start with the basics, first off: Running stitch. This stitch is a simple line stitch, which leaves a gap in between the stitches.  If you are looking for a consistent line of stitches, see “Back stitch” below.

Bring your needle out at A; decide on the length of your stitches - the shorter the stitch the daintier the design, but the longer it will take! 

Running 1.jpg

Pull the needle through at B and you have created a stitch. Leaving the same amount of space as the length of your stitch, bring your needle through at C. 

Running 2.jpg

Again, keeping the length consistent, pull through at D.  As simple as that!

Running 3.jpg

Back stitch.

As I said above, this stitch is to give a consistent line of stitching in your design.  

Bring your needle out at A, and then follow-up by bringing it through at B.  Now, you want to leave a consistent length of stitch for your back stitch as you are going to leave a space and pull your needle through.  Now, you need to fill the gap, so bring your needle back through at B.