Handmade Christmas Decorations - Pom Poms!

Hello my crafty lovelies…

So, we continue to live through a pandemic, but I’ve taken the opportunity to craft my way through it! It turns out that during the first lockdown I had a vision of getting a big Christmas tree. You know, why not - we deserve a big Christmas! I’ve only ever bought tiny potted Christmas trees before…so then I had a minor panic that I wouldn’t have enough decorations. I then spent a few months happily crafting away lots of lovely Christmas decorations and then thought I would share these with you!

Over the next few blog posts you can see some of the decorations that I’ve made to go on the Christmas tree, some that are standalone garlands, and some that I’ve bought kits for so are more reviews if you want to make your own. Hopefully there are some sparks of inspiration to my fellow crafters out there!

First up, pom pom Christmas Tree decorations! How to make these pom pom decorations is really simple and sooooo cheap. It’s a great way to use up leftover wool as well. The below is just a how to make pom poms as really it’s just tying a wool thread to them!

What you’ll need:

  • Pom Pom maker (mine is a small and I’ve bought it from Hobbycraft)

  • Wool (I like Christmas colours and white in particular to be like snowballs!)

  • Sharp scissors (obvs)

  • Tapestry needle

Step 1 - make the pom poms

Open up your pom pom maker and start winding your wool around evenly on one side. I start in the middle, trying to keep the tension so that the wool doesn’t move around too much, going from side to side. You want to keep going so that there is only a bit of an arc in the middle of the pom pom maker. Close that side of the pom pom maker and cut the wool. Repeat on the other side and close in.

Get your pair of sharp scissors and snip down the centre of the wool on either side so that you can see lots of strands of wool. Carefully open up your pom pom maker to reveal your lovely pom pom!

Step 2 - attach the wool slip to hang from

Take your pom pom and thread your tapestry needle with a piece of wool. Think about how you want your finished decoration to hang off the tree - I like mine to be quite long and hang off quite a way - and make sure that you allow a good couple of inches more than that. Knot one end and sew through the centre of the pom pom; put a few stitches in at the top of the pom pom, where you want the hanging wool to come from. Unthread your needle and tie together the two ends of the wool and cut off the ends.

Step 3 - put on the tree and enjoy!

And there you have it! Super simple, but really effective. Why not try some dual coloured pom poms?