Embroidery Kit Review

If you’re anything like me, keeping your hands busy on an evening is necessary to remain sane! When I get home from work, quite often my brain is fried from a day of meetings, and actually I want nothing more than to sit on the sofa and do a bit of crafting.

When I was at the Handmade Fair earlier this year, my mum and I were absolutely mesmerised by the Rowandean stand - an expansive array of beautifully crafted embroidery kits.  We stood there for probably about half na hour, umm-ing and ahh-ing over which kits to go for!  In the end I bought two kits to give a go.

Review - Rowandean Embroidery Kits


These little kits are simple, concise and have everything that you need included.  The pack consists of embroidery fabric, needle, organza (to add texture to the background), embroidery threads and the design - part of which is already printed onto the fabric to help start you off.

The instructions are basic which is mirrored by the paired back design.  The design is easy to follow, with simple instructions of some of the more complex stitches that you might encounter.


My advice about the Rowandean embroidery kits - choose these if you are happy not to recreate the exact pattern on the pack, and you’re happy to be creative!  The threads you receive don’t match the image, however, this makes your design completely unique.  Experimentation is encouraged: add more French Knots, Daisy Chains etc as you want.  At first, I found this a bit daunting(!!) but by my second kit, I was enjoying the creative freedom.


The organza material is provided to add a touch of texture to your finished work, and it definitely does. To me, the intricacy of the pattern mixed with the impactful colour combinations are what sets these designs apart.


My one difficulty with the pattern printed onto the fabric was ensuring that it didn’t show through the stitching; having said that, I creatively worked around the problem!

The kit includes more than enough thread and organza to create additional Rowandean-inspired creations, should you wish. Definitely worth a go, and a great stocking filler for a fellow crafter!
