Silversmithing Course

I’ve always wanted to make my own jewellery—creating something that is one of a kind, is possibly the most personal thing you can do.  So, when it came to choosing a present for my sister’s 30th birthday it seemed like a great idea for us two crafty gals to give Silversmithing a go.


  • Budget: mid-range

  • Technical: Beginner

  • Location: Bristol

  • Type of craft: can be as fiddly or unfussy as you like! Have to have an eye for detail.

Course research

I did quite a bit of research when it came to doing my Silversmithing course; my sister lives in Somerset and I live in Cheltenham, so I was looking in the South West area. I also didn’t want to spend tooooo much, and wanted to have enough time to really get into Silversmithing before packing up and going home.  After a bit of research, I found the lovely Alice Goldman Silversmithing Course. There are many courses available, but I chose the day course which costs £55 plus the cost of your silver. I also really liked that Alice was really easy-going; she suggests that everyone brings some bring and share food for lunch, and there were about 6 of us there. 



Alice was brilliant! She was non-stop moving between the tutees giving help and advice. Alice is clearly creative herself so, if you have the start of an idea and you want to see what it can turn into, she can help!


The course is just off the M32 in Bristol; Alice has a tucked away workshop and, on the weekend, it’s free parking on the roads!


My biggest advice would be to have a think about your project before you attend on the day. I definitely didn’t and spent the first half an hour poring through jewellery books that Alice provided me and frantically searching Etsy/Pinterest for inspiration! Once I set on an idea though, I was away!  

How much can you make in a day?

It depends how intricate your designs are. My sister made some beautiful feather earrings which had a few more steps in the process, but looked incredible. Within the day, I made a bangle and two rings.


How much does the silver cost?

For my bangle and two rings, it was about £15 which is such good value. Alice weighs your items at the end, so if you go for bigger/bulkier items you’ll have a slightly bigger bill.

Best bits

Having a go with lots of different tools and techniques! From mini saws to soldering to sanding tools, it was great to see the detailed process behind silversmithing. I definitely have a new found appreciation for Silversmiths!

Alice’s course was so good, I went back. Here’s my second blog post which is more of a step by step guide to Silversmithing.